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Tips to Stay Hydrated at Work

Tips to Stay Hydrated at Work

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Tips For Staying Hydrated At Work

Why is it important to stay hydrated at work?

Keeping hydrated is vital in order for us to optimise our health and performance in everyday life and that extends to our working day. It can be so easy during a busy day to forget or not prioritise taking on fluids during regular intervals.

Taking those little moments, although you feel you may not have time at some points in your day, are definitley worth it. Studies show that dehydration will affect concentration levels, mood, clarity of thought and a huge increase in fatigue.

Hydration is crucial for your health, but it’s also crucial for success at work too. Dehydration impacts your concentration, reaction times and mood, which combined will massively impact your work. Feeling groggy, tired and irritable from dehydration will not only slow down your pace but will prevent successful team collaborations.

Here at Wellbeing Group, the home of workplace refreshment, we have put together some top tips for staying well hydrated whilst working from home. Keep yourself healthy and focussed throughout your working day, helping you perform to the best of your ability.

What are the signs that you are dehydrated?

The following symptoms signal that you could be dehydrated:

  • Feeling sleepy or fatigued
  • Feeling thirsty or hungry
  • Headaches
  • Dry mouth
  • Dark yellow or amber coloured urine
  • Struggling to focus
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling restless or irritable
Water Dispensers
Zip Tap Service

Tips on staying hydrated at work:

1) Avoid processed food

Fast food and other processed foods such as microwave meals contain excessive salt, sugar and fat compared to fresh food. Consuming excessive quantities of salt, sugar and oil speeds up the process of dehydration, so avoid fast food and opt for fresh foods instead.

2) Electrolytes

Electrolytes regulate the flow of water in and out of cells and regulate nerve impulses. We lose these essential salts in our sweat, and they are crucial to staying hydrated. If you are doing a lot of physical work consider taking electrolyte supplements to stay hydrated. Coconut water is a good natural alternative to sports drinks as a source of electrolytes.

3) Choose the right snacks

Pick a selection of fruits and vegetables high in electrolytes or with a high water content to see you through your working day. Bananas, raisins, avocados, spinach, sweet potato, coconut, beans and lentils are all high in electrolytes. Foods such as apples, pineapples, strawberries, blueberries, melon, cucumbers and celery all have a very high water content and make very hydrating snacks to keep you hydrated throughout the day.

4) Pick the right water

Avoid flavoured water with added sugars and flavourings. Sugar and other additives have a dehydrating effect on the body. If you really can’t stand the taste of water try adding flavour with a fruit infuser bottle, which gives you the option of adding natural organic flavours of your choice to your drink!

5) Drink water regularly

One glass in the morning or at lunch won’t be enough to keep you hydrated. You should take in 2- 3 litres of water a day, so keep a bottle or glass of water with you all the time and prompt yourself to keep drinking especially on hot days. Alternatively, why not try our water coolers, which provide fresh drinking water on demand.

6) Wear light or loose clothing

Avoid wearing thick, dark or tight fitting clothing that does not allow your skin to breathe and cause you to sweat more. Instead, opt for lighter and looser clothing that will allow your body to keep cool and prevent dehydration from overheating or sweating.

7) Try soups and stews for lunch

Soups and stews have a much higher water content than “dry” lunches. As well as keeping you hydrated, it is easy to make a large batch of your favourite soup or stew at the beginning of the week, and then you have your work lunches prepared for the rest of the week, saving you time!

8) Avoid alcohol

Everyone likes to let their hair down after work, but try keeping alcohol to a minimum as it can cause dehydration. The effects of this can still be felt the day after, leaving you feeling tired and groggy.

9) Keep cool

Switching on or raising the air conditioning can really help with staying hydrated at work. But why is that? Fresh or cool air will help your body maintain a healthy temperature and prevent you from overheating. It will also  reduce the loss of water through sweating. Want more tips on keeping cool?

10) Don’t wait until you’re thirsty

Thirst is actually a sign that you are already dehydrated. Keep drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day and eat fruits and vegetables with high water content to avoid becoming thirsty in the first place.

11) Hydrate yourself after exercise

If you’re hitting the gym before work, try weighing yourself before you start your workout and immediately afterwards. For every pound you’ve lost, drink an additional 500 ml of water to replace the body fluids you lost during the workout.

12) Quit Smoking, vaping and nicotine gum

Nicotine – as well as various other chemicals found in cigarettes and e-cigarettes – causes dehydration and affects your body’s ability to regulate hydration. As well as numerous other benefits to your overall health, giving up these habits will also help you stay hydrated!

13) Drink ice cold water

Help keep your core body temperature down by drinking chilled water. If your office doesn’t have a water dispenser that provides chilled water, why not recommend our Nebraska Elite Direct Chill Desktop to your employer?

14) Check Your Urine

One of the quickest and simplest indicators of how hydrated your body is your urine. If you are hydrated your urine should be fairly clear, colourless and odourless like water. The darker your urine the more dehydrated you are. If it’s dark yellow or amber in colour then replenish your water levels and guzzle down some H2O!

If you’re thinking of getting water coolers for your offices, contact us today for advice 01905 337187

We hope you found this article helpful, please don’t forget to share with anyone else in the same boat and feel free to send us your ideas!


Staying hydrated at work

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      Worcester Head Office
      Severn House, Bromyard Road
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      London Showroom
      5 Sycamore Street
      EC1Y 0SG
      T:  01905 337187

      Disposable Cups vs Reusable mugs

      Boiling Water Taps

      Water Dispensers

      Coffee Machines

      Vending Machines

      Coffee & Consumables

      Service & Maintenance

      Disposable Cups vs Reusable Mugs

      Everyone from David Attenborough to Starbucks is saying it – we need to reduce waste to protect the environment – and with 12.7 million tonnes of plastic finding its way into the ocean each year, people are finally starting to take notice.  So which is best, Disposable Cups vs Reusable mugs?

      Although an initial proposal of charging 25p for disposable cups (known as the ‘latte levy‘) failed to get government backing, a host of major companies have begun banning single-use cups from their establishments, including the BBC, Waitrose and Network Rail. Meanwhile, coffee shops such as Starbucks are trialling their own 5p charge for disposable cups.

      But is this really the best option for offices and businesses? We decided to take a deeper look at the differences between disposable and reusable cups, to determine which one is really the more eco-friendly option for your business.

      Disposable Cups

      Can they be recycled?

      While technically single-use paper cups can be recycled, the truth is they very rarely are. Due to the plastic polythene lining, they must be collected separately from other waste and taken to one of 3 plants across the UK that are able to separate the plastic and paper, so the paper can be recycled. Of the 2.5 billion paper cups disposed of every year, less than 1% are recycled. The rest end up as discarded litter on our streets, in ever-growing landfill sites, or even making their way to the sea.

      What’s the carbon footprint?

      Disposable cups are usually made from “virgin paper”, which is freshly produced paper, straight from the tree. This means trees are felled for the sole purpose of producing single-use cups, that could well end up in landfill sites after one latte.

      However, once the production process is complete the carbon footprint of disposable cups can be kept reasonably small. Lightweight and easy to store, far more paper cups can be transported than ceramic mugs by the same vessel of transport. Once they have been used they don’t require any further washing and therefore the energy consumption stops there.

      What are the advantages?

      Because single-use paper cups don’t require washing it will save your company money on energy bills, as well as saving your employees’ time.

      On the subject of saving money, paper cups are far cheaper to replenish than ceramic mugs. If ceramic mugs are in an environment where there is a high risk of them getting lost or broken, it could end up costing you a fortune to keep replacing them.

      Wellcafe Cups

      Reusable Cups & Mugs

      Can they be recycled?

      Reusable cups, which are usually ceramic, cannot be recycled at all. Of course there is the option of upcycling (repurposing old items) – such as creating plant pots or desk tidies out of old or damaged cups.

      What’s the carbon footprint?

      Ceramic mugs not only have a much higher carbon footprint at the manufacturing stage, they also continue to contribute to energy consumption throughout the remainder of their lifespan due to being cleaned at high temperatures. Many reusable mugs also take up more space in transportation and require more packaging to protect against damage.

      What’s the carbon footprint?

      Ceramic mugs not only have a much higher carbon footprint at the manufacturing stage, they also continue to contribute to energy consumption throughout the remainder of their lifespan due to being cleaned at high temperatures. Many reusable mugs also take up more space in transportation and require more packaging to protect against damage.

      What’s the advantages?

      Although the carbon footprint of one ceramic cup is much higher than one disposable cup, there is a break-even point, one report says after 39 uses ceramic mugs become the more eco-friendly option but others have suggested it can take many more than this.

      If you’re willing to take care of your reusable cups and mugs, and invest time and money into keeping them clean, then these are the more eco-friendly option.

      Is there an environmentally friendly disposable cup?

      Believe it or not, there is! Our Edenware disposable cups are fully compostable. This is because the cups are made from food safe cardboard and are lined with a fully biodegradable plant-based Polylactic Acid (PLA). PLA is biodegradable plastic derived from renewable plant-based sources such as cornstarch, and only takes as little as six months to fully decompose in a composting facility.

      These Edenware cups bring together “the best of both worlds” – They’re cheaper to buy in bulk than reusable cups, have a low carbon footprint per cup, don’t require cleaning, and are biodegradable, so they won’t bring unnecessary harm to the environment! Plus with a variety of options from the compact 8oz Single Wall Edenware Cups to the Edenware 12oz ‘go large’ option there is sure to be a cup to suit your office requirements.

      Reusable Mugs

      In Summary

      Disposable Cups


      • Don’t get recycled, contributing to landfill and litter
      • Contribute to deforestation
      • Are rarely made from recycled materials


      • Cheap to buy in bulk
      • Have lower carbon footprint per cup
      • Easy to store
      • Don’t require cleaning

      Reusable Cups & Mugs Cups


      • Can’t be recycled
      • More costly
      • Take up more space for storage
      • Require ongoing cleaning


      • Lower carbon footprint over their lifespan
      • Doesn’t require fresh paper to be made

      Or for a cup that provides the best of both take a look at our range of fully compostable Edenware Cups.

      If you need help deciding which coffee, water and disposable supplies would be best for your workplace, why not get in touch with our team today and find out how Wellbeing can help you!

      Sales & Enquiry Form

      Our service team will normally aim to respond within 2 hours of queries submitted. *compulsory field.

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          Worcester Head Office
          Severn House, Bromyard Road
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          WR2 5TR
          London Showroom
          5 Sycamore Street
          EC1Y 0SG
          T:  01905 337187

          Which is the best Water Cooler for the office?

          Which is the best Water Cooler for the office?

          Which is the best water cooler for an office?

          At Wellbeing Group we can help you indentify which is the best water cooler for an office. Staying hydrated at work is key to being productive and staying focused.  We all know we need to drink plenty of water but in the rush of life we often forget. Having a water cooler in your office offers a quick solution to filtered cold water supply and therefore encourages employees to drink water because of its convenience.

          You may have searched for water cooler providers in London or the Midlands and found there are so many options you don’t know where to start! Well, our team of experts have put together this review of water coolers to help you choose the best water cooler for your office, so read this before you buy any water dispenser to check it is the right option for you.

          Knowing which is the best water cooler for an office depends entirely on your needs, requirements, number of staff and other factors. We stock commercial water dispensers from all the market leaders, including Borg & Overstrom, Billi Taps, Zip Taps, Instanta and AA Water Coolers. All have reputation for quality, reliability, value for money and being able to deliver consistent filtered water for your office.

          Types of Water Coolers

          There are three main types of water coolers available from suppliers in the UK; mains-fed (otherwise known as point-of-use) coolers, bottled coolers and under-counter chilled water taps.

          Each of these systems have their place, below details for and against each system:

          Mains-Fed Water Coolers

          These water coolers plug into your mains water supply and are available in floorstanding or countertop models to suit the proposed location.


          • Fresh filtered water with every drink as most systems include an inline carbon filter
          • Cheap to run as you don’t have to buy the expensive water bottles
          • Better for the environment as they cut out the need for plastic
          • Endless water supply so you won’t run out of water in the hot weather
          • Look attractive and new designs of water coolers have built in waste features

          Disadvantages: (actually quite hard to find any)

          • Once they are installed they can’t easily be moved without adjusting the pipework
          • They need to be installed by a professional, however, Wellbeing will take care of this for you with no extra cost

          Nebraska Pro is our best-selling plumbed in water cooler as it robust as well as having a stylish design.

          Office Water Cooler
          Water Dispenser Servicing

          Under Counter Water Coolers

          Chiller units are stored under the counter and the water tap is fixed to a worktop. They are becoming more popular in the modern office as they save space and the sleek designs available.


          • Save space on work surfaces
          • Plumbed in which saves on water costs
          • Also available with boiling water options
          • Range of colours to match corporate branding


          • Often can be costly to purchase or lease a machine
          • More technical parts which means you need a good maintenance package


          The Alaska Range or the Billi systems and Zip Tap systems are great under sink chillers and also available with sparkling water too!

          Sparkling Water Tap
          Chrome Water Tap

          Bottled Water Coolers

          Types of water coolers that probably first come to your mind, a white unit with a large plastic bottle on top


          • Usually bottles are filled with spring or mineral water
          • Quite flexible where they can be located as they only require a power socket to work


          • Don’t look great with the huge bottle on top
          • Can run up expensive water bills
          • In hot weather the consumption usefully increases and often leads to running out of water.
          Bottled Water Dispensers

          Useful water cooler guides 

          Our website has you the customer in mind to help the decision and ordering process very simple and clear. It has very useful icons and symbols to help identify which products can dispnse different types of water but also how many office staff each system is suitable for.

          For our design and fit out and facilities management customers, we have also provided a clear breakdown of each taps energy performance capabilities, dimensions and the requirements for installation, power and water supply. And of course a breakdown of purchase and lease pricing, for which we offer flexible payments plans. If there is still anything you happen to be unsure about you can still speak to our experts in a our service team to help you figure out the best water dispenser for your workplace.

          Billi Tap
          Billi Taps

          Water dispense options & combinations

          Here at Wellbeing Group we have a water dispense system that offers any range and combination of water types, so you can deliver a variety of hydration possibilities to your employees and visitors. Many of our products are available in a stunning range of colours and finishes also.


          – Chilled and Ambient

          – Chilled and Sparkling

          – Chilled, Ambient and Sparkling

          – Chilled, Hot and Sparkling

          – Chilled, Ambient and Hot

          Check out the water dispenser that’s rigth for you here

          Office Water Tap





          Hopefully this article has helped understand which is the best water cooler for an office. Browse our range of Water Dispensers to select your favourite. Get in touch with our friendly knowledgeable sales team who can advise on the best options based on your specifications. 01905 337187

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              Worcester Head Office
              Severn House, Bromyard Road
              Crown East, Worcester
              WR2 5TR
              London Showroom
              5 Sycamore Street
              EC1Y 0SG
              T:  01905 337187
              Still or Sparkling Water?

              Still or Sparkling Water?

              Boiling Water Taps

              Water Dispensers

              Coffee Machines

              Vending Machines

              Coffee & Consumables

              Service & Maintenance

              Still or Sparkling Water?

              For many people, the thought of drinking the recommended eight cups (or two litres) of pure water per day, just doesn’t appeal.  Some tend to add artificial juice concentrates that contain refined sugars and additives which negatively impact your health.

              This is why sparkling water can be a fantastically different and healthy alternative.  As with still water, sparkling offers you the same benefits such as increased energy levels, weight loss, and undoubtedly the best source of hydration to see you through the day.

              It is essentially regular water – but with an exciting twist. You are drinking soda but without the sugars and chemicals! This makes a significant difference if your average liquid intake is at the recommended daily levels.

              It’s therefore a great alternative for those who like fizzy drinks.  However, some argue that sparkling water tastes just plain and boring!  If this is the case, you may prefer to add a slice of lemon, some strawberries or your favourite fruit, for increased refreshment and enjoyment.

              Bring That Extra Sparkle to Your Workplace

              Many aren’t aware just how easy it is to make sparkling water available at work.  Wellbeing Group supply a range of water dispensers which have a sparkling water option, each to suit the various requirements of your workplace.

              Office Water Tap
              Zip Tap G5

              The Top 4 Benefits of Drinking Sparkling Water

              1. Sparkling Water Keeps You Hydrated – there was myth that drinking carbonated water will dehydrate you but studies have proved that it has the same compounds as plain water.

              2. Feel Full For Longer – the carbon dioxide in sparkling water allows fizzy bubbles to fill your stomach and trick your brain into feeling full, which means you will probably eat less.

              3. It May Help Relieve Constipation – studies have shown that the average bowel movement increases with those who drink sparkling water compared to those who drank tap water.

              4. Increase Your Productivity – our brains don’t work well if we don’t drink water.  Sparkling water is extremely refreshing and easy to drink, if we have sparkling water on tap in your office you can constantly replenish the water that your body is using.

              Sparkling water is available to buy in bottles at most supermarkets, however, you could consider installing a floor standing or counter top sparkling water dispenser in your office to save using plastic and also a more cost effective solution.

              The Nebraska Sport Water Dispenser

              The Nebraska Sport Water Dispenser is available with a sparkling water cooler function, you can purchase or rent a water dispenser which could be plumbed in to your office so you don’t have to walk far from your desk to keep hydrated.  Our engineers will show you how to replace or change your CO2 sparkling water canister and set the regulator (this adjusts the amount of CO2 going into the water).

              Sparkling Water Dispenser
              Office Water Cooler

              The Vermont Water Tap

              The Vermont Water Tap is available with a sparkling water cooler function, you can purchase or rent a water dispenser which could be plumbed in to your office so you don’t have to walk far from your desk to keep hydrated.  Our engineers will show you how to replace or change your CO2 sparkling water canister and set the regulator (this adjusts the amount of CO2 going into the water).

              Office Water Cooler
              Vermont Tap

              The Alaska Pro Water Tap

              The Alaska Pro Water Tap is available with a sparkling water cooler function, you can purchase or rent a water dispenser which could be plumbed in to your office so you don’t have to walk far from your desk to keep hydrated.  Our engineers will show you how to replace or change your CO2 sparkling water canister and set the regulator (this adjusts the amount of CO2 going into the water).

              Sparkling Water Tap
              Chrome Water Tap

              Visit our Water Dispenser Service Page for more details and get in touch with our friendly knowledgeable team who can advise on the best options and pricing based on the solutions you need. 01905 337187

              Stay hydrated at work

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                  Worcester Head Office
                  Severn House, Bromyard Road
                  Crown East, Worcester
                  WR2 5TR
                  London Showroom
                  5 Sycamore Street
                  EC1Y 0SG
                  T:  01905 337187

                  Fresh Milk or Powdered Milk For My Coffee Machine?

                  Fresh Milk or Powdered Milk For My Coffee Machine?

                  Boiling Water Taps

                  Water Dispensers

                  Coffee Machines

                  Vending Machines

                  Coffee & Consumables

                  Service & Maintenance

                  Fresh milk or powdered milk for my coffee machine?

                  With the coffee shop industry going wild in the UK, the demand for good quality coffee in the workplace is ever increasing. In a coffee shop you would expect to be given a coffee made with fresh milk as this added to a good quality espresso makes an excellent drink.  Most businesses look towards a commercial bean to cup coffee machine to provide their coffee as it isn’t practical or cost effective to have a traditional espresso machine and employ a full time barista.  The other question often asked ‘is fresh milk or powdered milk the best option’? Some points to consider are aspects such as hygiene, storage, wastage and the actual cost per cup.

                  Fresh milk always provides a better milk texture. That’s why we set up all of our coffee machines with the manufacturer’s recommended guidance (along with our own expert testing and tasting) of semi skimmed milk. However, granulated milk has its own key benefits – it makes it much easier to clean the machine. Granulated milk can typically save 15 minutes of cleaning a day. If you have multiple machines, this can be a big time saving.

                  Office Coffee Machine

                  What is granulated milk?

                  Granulated milk is made from fresh milk, freeze-dried into very tiny granules, also often called powdered milk. But it’s not the same as coffee whitener or creamer, which usually have added sweeteners, whereas granulated milk is not artifical in anyway or have added sweetness. It’s purely milk that has been dried out.

                  There has been a vast improvement in powdered milk products in recent years and the invention of Mook granulated skimmed milk means that ‘whitener’ has become a thing of the past. Granulated milk added to hot water in a machine gives a thick velvety milk with exceptional flavour , it’s the closest thing to fresh milk you’re going to get and it’s healthier!


                  All fresh milk machines require daily cleaning of the milk pipes and storage tanks with a cleaning fluid and this can be required several times a day in warmer weather. A separate milk fridge situated next to the coffee machine will prevent the milk going off but this will need cleaning too which creates extra work for the office staff.  If the cleaning is neglected, there is a risk of bacteria establishing in the milk pipes which will clog up creating a headache for anyone wanting a milky drink.

                  The daily cleaning with a granulated milk option is greatly reduced and usually consists of just rinsing the mixing bowl to prevent any build up of ingredients. All our machines have handy walkthrough, on-screen instructions or we have handy cleaning guides available.


                  Fresh milk is expensive and bulky too as each drink uses a lot, for instance when making one hundred 12oz drinks you will require approximately 60 litres of fresh milk, that’s 30 standard bottles of milk and an office of 40 staff would easily consume 100 drinks per day. At the end of each day there will mostly likely be some milk left in the container which is poured down the drain, add this up every day and that’s a lot of wastage.

                  A case of granulated milk is easy to store, it doesn’t need to be refrigerated and a case will make over three hundred 12oz drinks.  Each drink has a measured amount of milk dispensed from the machine and it can be left in the canister for days which means there is no waste. If the packet is unopened the shelf is over 12 months.

                  Helping you choose the right coffee machine

                  Our website has you the customer in mind to help the decision and ordering process very simple and clear. It has very useful icons and symbols to help identify the capabilities of each machine but also how many office staff each system is suitable for.

                  Some examples of suitable machines for your office are given below.

                  If you still need some expert advise, get in touch with our friendly knowledgeable sales team who can advise on the best options based on your specifications. 01905 337187

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                      Worcester Head Office
                      Severn House, Bromyard Road
                      Crown East, Worcester
                      WR2 5TR
                      London Showroom
                      5 Sycamore Street
                      EC1Y 0SG
                      T:  01905 337187

                      Choosing The Right Coffee Shop Equipment for Your Coffee Business

                      Choosing The Right Coffee Shop Equipment for Your Coffee Business

                      Boiling Water Taps

                      Water Dispensers

                      Coffee Machines

                      Vending Machines

                      Coffee & Consumables

                      Service & Maintenance

                      Choosing The Right Equipment for Your Coffee Shop

                      After choosing your coffee shop location you will need to pay attention to the coffee shop equipment.

                      It is easy for the inexperienced coffee business owner to buy the wrong or unnecessary coffee equipment which is a waste of needed cash. You don’t have to waste your money.

                       Developing your coffee shop concept, developing a business plan with a budget and making good coffee equipment decisions, will help you maximize your money.

                       A lot of independent coffee shops don’t last long because the owner loves coffee but doesn’t pay enough attention to the finance side, so get a good advisor early on!

                      You need to have a menu that is appealing to your client base and your menu will determine what coffee equipment you will need.

                      Espresso Coffee Machines
                      Coffee Shop

                      Most coffee shops will require the following coffee equipment as standard:

                      Traditional or commercial espresso machine

                      Consider how many group heads you think you will need, don’t spend the extra on a 3 group head if you aren’t going to make use of it.

                      Industrial coffee bean grinder

                      This could be manual or grind on demand, grind on demand will cost more but they can waste less coffee.

                      Knock out drawer

                      Under grinder type make good use of space or the Cafelat tubbi type are easy to keep clean

                      Barista tools

                      Milk foaming jugs (have a couple of sizes)

                      Coffee tamper and tamping mat

                      Barista towels and apron

                      Filter coffee brewer

                      Some clients may request a long black coffee, filter coffee is the quickest option for this and it tastes good too, these don’t need to be expensive.

                      Arizona Hot Water Boiler

                      You need a mains fed water boiler that fills up automatically, don’t fall into the trap of purchasing a cheap boiler which is a false economy, they won’t last long and can impact productivity.

                      Other areas you will need to look into:

                      • Furniture & Fixtures
                      • Prepping table, if you are making your own food this will need to have a dedicated table.
                      • Commercial refrigerator
                      • Three-Compartment sink, essential as you will always have to wash and rinse dishes and also have a separate hand washing sink
                      • A mains water feed and drain for your sink and coffee machine

                      Although many people have their own ideas, some of the basic coffee shop sundries will include:

                      • Good quality Arabica blend of coffee beans, don’t skimp on buying cheap beans as this is your no1 product and needs to taste right.
                      • Decaf coffee pods, a very convenient way of providing a decent decaf coffee, you will need a different group head filter basket for these.
                      • Everyday tea and fruit teas, the Clipper Fairtrade range is a good place for you to start, don’t offer too much to start with as you will end up with old stocks.
                      • Flavouring coffee syrups, a great way to quickly expand your menu
                      • Sugar sticks and sweeteners
                      • Crockery, this needs to be good quality such as the Porcelite range, these have a guarantee and they won’t scratch easily.

                      You will need some level of barista training to be able to serve consistent quality drinks, for instance, if you’re looking for a commercial coffee machine in Worcester or surrounding areas, our team of coffee experts can help you with barista training, this may need to be repeated every year as new teams come into your coffee shop.

                      Coffee Art
                      Coffee Shop

                      You can browse our range of Coffee Machines to select your favourite. Get in touch with our friendly knowledgeable sales team who can advise on the best options based on your specifications. 01905 337187

                      Office Coffee Culture

                      Sales & Enquiry Form

                      Our service team will normally aim to respond within 2 hours of queries submitted. *compulsory field.

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                        Service & Technical Support Form

                        Our service team will normally aim to respond within 2 hours of queries submitted. *compulsory field.

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                          Worcester Head Office
                          Severn House, Bromyard Road
                          Crown East, Worcester
                          WR2 5TR
                          London Showroom
                          5 Sycamore Street
                          EC1Y 0SG
                          T:  01905 337187